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December |
- Christmas Cards: There are several ways to make these.
If you have a color printer and access to a draw program, you can size
just about any picture you want, print them out and fold them into a card.
If you do not have access to these marvels of technology, there are options.
At this time of year many large department stores will send out small glossy
mini-catalogs that sometimes will have pictures of cards. If you are lucky,
they will be the right size, and will not have a sale price stamped across
it. Cut out photo, and glue to a piece of folded cardstock (make sure the
appropriate edge of the photo is up against the fold). Cut out card.
- Garlands, centerpieces, and wreaths can be created using
pieces of chenille (these are like pipecleaners, but bigger), jewelry findings,
small beads, toothpicks, fimo, thin silk ribbon...just about anything.
Round toothpicks and fimo can be made to resemble candles, and jewelry
findings can be used for candle holders and decorations. Beads can be used
as christmas ball decorations.
- Placemats can be made from small print ribbons and fray
check. If you want to put them in napkin rings, you can either make them
out of decorated paper, or use a jump ring.
- Tree ornaments can be made from a number of things. Polymer
clays tend to scare some people, but it is surprising what you can make
with simple shapes. Don't be afraid to try! Beads can become Christmas
balls, pom poms can be made into stuffed toys, and charms come in an astounding
array of shapes and sizes and just need to be hooked to the tree. Ribbon
can be tied to make bows, and punches with small patterns can be used on
paper-backed foils for simple ornaments.
holly bullet courtesy of

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