The following pictures show just a small sampling of my treasures (unfortunately, I only have just so much space...sigh). Some items are purchased, but most have been
created by me. To make this page load faster, I have decreased the size
of the images. If you wish to see a larger version with more details, simply
click on the picture of your choice.
This was a free style bench that I made after modifying a one inch scale piece. It was stained golden oak, then run over with an antique coloring of golden oak with a bit of burnt umber in it. I painted the little flower on, but if I had wanted I know of a store that has some small stickers/tatoos that would have looked absolutely charming on it.
This is my attempt at a side board made in the arts and crafts style. It came from a pattern in Nutshell News march 1997. It was perfect until I tried to put on the (^$!@ drawer pulls. That I think will need a bit more work, but beyond that if I put it in a corner nobody will notice, probably. You aren't going to tell, are you?
This is a living room set that I made in quarter inch. Included in the set are a couch, ottoman and small side chair. I thought my addition of the ruffled bottom was a clever touch:).
Saw this in large scale and thought I would give it a go in quarter inch. It is a prototype but I plan to refine it fairly quickly. This is a cute little cushion that I designed myself. It is less than an inch and it is all hand sewn -- no short cuts, done very carefully under a magnifying glass.
Here is a very satisfying attempt at making a bathrobe. It is machine sewn, cording (made by me) accents and hung up with a nice little hanger. The slippers are hand-sewn and topped off with white pom-poms. This needlework pillow was done from a pattern that I had in a 501 (way better than 500) pattern collection book. Once again, the pillow was put together with handstitching.
This country hearts pillow was a design I found on the web. It was a tad more colorful but I thought it would be interesting done in blue and green.
This pillow is a bit bigger than an inch, and is my own design.
This is a little quilt rack that I made over the weekend. I have always wanted a quilt rack in a dollhouse, and now I have one. Now I just have to make a quilt. I do have one of my little blankets in the rack as a substitute, though.
Take the magic carpet to see the needlepoint rugs I have made!
This is my guinea pig cage. I designed it myself, and it is a prototype. I will try to get some better photos of it with
a different camera. The scanner does a nice job for most things, but other things it doesn't really
do justice to all the hard work. If you will, just click here to see
the many scans I made of this project. I made these apples from a pattern in a magazine. Had some adventures trying to take pictures
of them, since I kept dropping them. I imagine I will be finding
stray apples for a long time!
This is a piece of log furniture that I made up from my imagination. The fabric was intended for a grade seven home eck(!) project (many years ago)
but I wasn't allowed to use it. I chose this fabric before I found out the teacher was going to
assign each of us a color. I got brown:P. So I couldn't use this fabric, even though I really liked it!
SO take that, miss home ec teacher!! AHAHAHA!
miniature granny square afghan, crocheted by me!
Parlour with basket. This parlour will eventually become 221b Baker Street,
famous residence of the great Sherlock Holmes. As I progress, inappropriate
items will be removed.
Parlour in progress 1
Parlour with accessories.
Parlour in progress 2
Parlour, wide view. This shot shows just how big I intend my parlour to be ( my original design is based on the dimensions
Dr. Watson gives the reader in "A Study In Scarlet").
It is on the big side for a room box, but surprisingly small once the furniture starts going in.
Parlour in progress 3
A quarter-inch room box. (My first attempt!) I made the box, furniture, doll, rug (not seen) and flowers on the table. 1/4 inch mini pictures, some accessories kindly furnished by
Leanne Kirsch, fellow Tiny Talker.
More plants!
A lovely english cottage
Victorian Fair...Duracraft Heritage destined to be a nostalgic teahouse.
A Boston Fern in a macrame hanger On May 3, 1997 I was handed a challenge. A fellow miniaturist who knew I was trying quarter inch handed
me this fruit stand kit and said "here, lets see you do this"...or some such thing. Well, here it is,
a 1/144th scale fruitstand. Note the one inch scale daisies (from a recent plant swap) next to it...they are only about an inch tall!
Little dolls!
These are my little Canadian Geese decoys. I think they turned out
rather nicely, even if the geese at the park wouldn't come
home with me so I could copy the colors of their feathers directly! Notice the
fall flower arrangement in the back, isn't it pretty!
Knitted Christmas stockings